Federal Labor and Employment Service Accreditation for outstaffing

Registration No. А-340 dated 18.04.2016.

Since 01.01.2016, amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation dated 19.04.1991 N 1032-1 “On employment of the population in the Russian Federation” came into effect in Article 18.1. “Activities for provision of labor (personnel)” (introduced by the Federal Law dated 05.05.2014 N 116-ФЗ), regulating contract and agency labor. According to Article 3 “Private employment agencies which are the legal entities registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and accredited to perform this type of activity, carried out by the federal executive authority in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, are entitled to carry out activities to provide labor for employees (personnel), taking into account the opinion of the Russian Trilateral Commission for the regulation of social and labor relations”.