The Integrated Management System (IMS) is a summary of two or more management systems that function as a whole. The most common components of a company's IMS are the Quality Management System in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001, the Environmental Management System in accordance with GOST R ISO 14001, the Occupational Safety Management System in accordance with GOST R ISO 45001, as well as other management systems (ISO 19011, ISO 31000, IFC, COSO ERM etc.)
Analysis of interprocess communications (determination of flows of documentation, information, resources that combine the processes into a system)
Identification of standards’ general requirements to the processes, documentation and resources to avoid duplication of IMS components
Sequential decomposition of the integrated management system processes necessary to include all required processes into the model
Analysis and architecting of IMS interprocess communication system
Compliance test of the built model against the initially identified requirements of the standards and remedial actions
Development and monitoring of IMS integration performance indicators
IMS considers the Bradley Curve concept which includes a five-level ranking of safety culture maturity (pathological, passive, system, active, reference) and also allows taking into account the following focus areas:
- Leadership and Culture
- Policies and Procedures (governance and responsibility)
- Organization and Management
- Staff and Resources
- Transport Safety
- Risk Assessment and Management
- Performance Management (implementation, control and monitoring, audit, analysis and revision)